Meet Our Team

  • Eric Herboso


    Eric helped to kickstart the effective altruism movement in 2011 and has been working on global health, longtermism, and effective animal advocacy ever since. He has an academic background in metaethics and philosophy of mathematics, as well as a professional background in communications.

    Eric is an organizer of WikiProject Effective Altruism, a moderator on the r/EffectiveAltruism subreddit, and recently served a term on Animal Charity Evaluators’ board. Eric also plays on Desk Duty, a Killer Queen Black Bee Game League esports team. He blogs regularly at and has an extensive profile on the EA Forum.

    Favorite Games:
    StarCraft | Chrono Trigger | FF VI | Codex | Go


  • Jon Bockman


    Jon has spent his career figuring out the best way to help the largest number of animals. He has worked in animal shelters, wildlife rehabilitation, humane investigation, advocacy for animals used in research, and farmed animal outreach. Having been involved with effective altruism since 2013, he served as Animal Charity Evaluators’ inceptive Executive Director for six years where he helped raise the bar of efficacy across the animal protection movement.

    Jon blogs regularly on and periodically teaches a six-week introductory class for mindfulness meditation. He co-founded EGQ with Eric in 2021.

    Favorite Games:
    Witcher 3 | Mario 64 | Last of Us Pt 2 | Mega Man X


  • Gina Stuessy


    Gina has been involved in animal advocacy since 2010 and effective altruism (EA) since 2013. Her professional experience includes software engineering at a small company, operations work at EA-aligned organizations (mainly Animal Charity Evaluators), and event planning. She is excited to be able to use her operations expertise to help build a strong foundation for EGQ's work. She is a casual board gamer player.

    Favorite Games:
    Innovation | Codenames | Ticket to Ride
