Maximize good,
one quest at a time.
one quest at a time.
Games should make a difference.
Video and board game companies, streamers, and professionals all clearly want to accomplish good in the world—they give hundreds of millions of dollars to charity each year. The problem? Many donations aren’t directed to high priority cause areas.
We can do better. Just like a speedrunner finds and perfects the optimal routes, the principles of effective altruism help us know where we can make the most difference—except in the real world, the best charities can be hundreds of times as effective as the average charity.
In global health, donating $100 to the most effective intervention can cause more good than a $100,000 donation to the least effective intervention. In animal welfare, a $1,000 donation to an Animal Charity Evaluators’ recommended charity can spare an expected 4,000 animals from suffering, but only an expected 7 animals if given to a typical animal shelter. Learn more.

We’re your strategy guide for giving.
You play games. You stream games. You make games.
You’re strategic and thoughtful, and want to extend those skills to the real world, but there are hundreds of thousands of charities out there. How can you do the most good?
You’re the expert on games. We’re the expert on giving. Let us help.
The EGQ Alliance enables maximum impact.
Effective Giving Quest combines the ideas of gaming, charity, and effectiveness to bring together savvy gamers seeking to change the world. To do this, we have created the EGQ Alliance, a collective of gaming professionals seeking to do the most good.
By building the Effective Giving Quest Alliance, we can work together to support and celebrate effective giving.
We love games.
We value helping others.
We aim to be effective.